Monday, November 5, 2012

The Declaration of Independence of Parental Pressure

The Declaration of Independence

In Jianna LoCricchio’s house, November 5, 2012

The Declaration of Jianna LoCricchio from the pressure of her parents.

When in the Course of teenage girl events, it become necessary for one young teenage girl to dissolve the family bonds which have connected her with another, and to abolish the relationship of the pressure brought on upon her by her parents.

We hold this truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Men and women are created equal no matter the age. No two people should have the right to pressure their young hard working daughter. Whenever the parents become destructive and corrupt with their power, it is the right of the teens to alter or abolish it, and institute a new Guardian. It is the right of the teen to be independent and make their own choices. It is the right of the child to decided when enough is enough and to abolish the rights of their parents to pressure them. To prove this, let facts be submitted to the candid world.

He has refused to listen to her explanations.
He has never permitted her to exercise her own mind while doing school work.
He has always said “I’m helping you” which means its all about himself.
He has pressured for good grades, no matter the circumstances. Even though, you can not physically or mentally get the grade, he always pressures you to get it.
He has caused numerous amounts of headaches, of the young teens to try to please him.
He has already started to pressure about college even though it is in 3 years.
He has ridiculous laws on curfew. As a citizen of the united states we have the right to do what we want.
He has been demanding instead of supportive.
He has caused me to lose self esteem because I will never reach his standards.
He has refused to have other rules than his own.
For imposing rules with out our consent.
For depriving us of freedom.
For only hearing his own side of the story.
For abolishing the acceptance to get a B instead of an A.
For cutting off connection with friends.

In every teenagers life we have the opportunity to branch off from our parents. We have the right to tell them what we want and have them listen to our opinions. As teens we must stand up for our rights and get out of the reign of a dictator who is unfit to be the ruler of free people.

I, therefore, the teenage girl of this family, appealing to the teens of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by authority of the good people of this classroom, solemnly publish and declare, That I, Jianna LoCricchio, have the right to be free and independent from parental pressure. If a war is needed it shall happen, otherwise I conclude peace. I insist that I have immediate admission to all the rights and privileges of an independent teen who is responsible and can make their own choices.